Who Can Register an Australian .au Domain Name?

Written on 19 October, 2022 by Rida Virk
Categories Domains

Australian .au domain names are country specific top level domain names that can potentially help rank your business well in search engines as .au domain names have the advantage of not only reeling in a significant level of traffic to your business’s website organically but also establishing a strong online presence of your brand amongst the Australian market.

Who is Eligible for .au Australian Domain Name Registration?

To be eligible for the .au domain registration process, you need to have some form of Australian presence in the country such as, citizenship or registered companies in Australia and be either of the following parties:

  • An Australian registered business or organisation,
  • A sole trader or partnership,
  • A foreign business with the license to trade in Australia,
  • An Australian registered non-profit organisation or political party.
  • An Australian registered charity, club, or association

In addition, it is recommended to have an Australian Business Number (ABN) when registering for .au domain names as it helps add a level of further legality and legitimacy for your business.

How to Register for .au Domain Names?

To start your registration for .au domain names, you will need to abide by the rules and regulations set by the Australian Domain Name Authority (auDA). It is recommended to begin your Australian domain registration by selecting one of the authorised registrars to process it for you.

An authorised registrar has direct access to the registry data and can efficiently assist you in processing a new Australian domain registration and keep your registry details up to date as time goes on. 

Why an .au Australian domain name is Advantageous for Your Local Business?

Buying .au domain names comes with a range of benefits that can help your local businesses grow well and possibly organically:

  • Builds Customer Trust: The mark of .au at the end of your website URL can indicate to your customers that your business is safe to interact with as it will follow Australian laws and regulations in their company operations. Moreover, since many individuals prefer supporting local businesses a .au domain also encourages a certain level of loyalty from local individuals, thereby strengthening your business’ presence in the market.
  • Protects your Brand: Cybercriminals or even your competitors might try to copy your brand by creating a similar website URL in an attempt to hijack your business. Having a .au domain can help you prevent any such fraud from taking place against your business.
  • Better Traffic: A .au domain can help increase the traffic being directed to your website and also improves visibility in the market. .au domains, on the other hand, are the best choice when running a local business in Australia as the algorithm will give priority to your website when searched.
  • Competitive Edge: The .au domain names have grown to be on par with other country specific domain names such as, .uk, .ca, .nz etc. Such strong growth has granted the .au domain names a serious competitive edge amongst the global market. More and more users online are becoming aware of .au and tend to immediately know it’s an Australian domain name being shown to them.

Connect with one of our expert team members via live chat or call us at 1300 638 734 to get started on with your .au domain names registration before it’s taken!

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